How long will you last in our challenge?

ARE YOU READY TO SWEAT? With our 21-day ZhemFit Abs Challenge you will:

  1. Get rid of that stubborn belly fat

  2. Sculpt a slimmer waist and (if you want) a six pack

  3. Strengthen your core and improve posture and stamina


The course is designed to help you achieve your goals in just 21 days (3 weeks). It's made up by 21 sessions; 6 lessons per week to exercise abdominal muscles, and 1 stretching lesson at the end of each week to rest and recharge.

The challenge is to follow the full program, with one class per day during 3 weeks.

The length of each class is varied and you can also choose to pause and do more/longer repetitions, but on average the classes are 20-35 minutes long.